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What’re the returns (XIRR) for my CPFIS Portfolio? Every employee in Singapore is bounded by the same set of CPF rules. As an ex-economist/ data geek who doesn’t shy away from having skin in the game. I asked myself this question back in 2015 when I was still a starry-eyed young man 2 years into the workforce - how do I set out to optimize my returns in my CPF OA with these given set of constraints,


Following the steps here –> I managed to deploy my python flask app in Heroku. from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return "Hello World!" @app.route('/<name>') def hello_name(name): return "Hello {}!".format(name) if __name__ == '__main__': You may visit the following link –> & add a suffix to it. Example & this will return Hello jirong! Possibilites are immense! I can easily create APIs or host dashboard here.


Sampling with replacement Hello! It’s me once again attempting to explain things from first principles - a term popularized by Elon Musk. I will use some psudeo code - on sampling with replacement for weights - to aid my explanation. Earlier in the week, I attempted to write a simple function from scratch but I gave up after realising that it will take me more than 15 mins! Difficulties lies in the multiple switch statements in defining the intervals.


Building a decision tree from scratch Sometimes to truly understand and internalise an algorithm, it’s always useful to build from scratch. Rather than relying on a module or library written by someone else. I’m fortunate to be given the chance to do it in 1 of my assignments for decision trees. From this exercise, I had to rely on my knowledge on recursion, binary trees (in-order traversal) and object oriented programming.


Martingale Strategy In this post, I will simulate a martingale strategy in Roulette’s context to highlight the potential risks associated with this strategy. Double down! That’s essentially the essence of it. Here’s a simple explanation of the strategy, The croupier spins the ball. If it’s red you win the amount you bet, black you lose the same amount If you win, you continue to bet the same amount (same as your 1st bet amount) If you lose, you double your bet amount And if your accumulated winnings hits a certain amount, you stop and leave the casino So how would the strategy fare?