What're the returns (XIRR) for my CPFIS Portfolio

What’re the returns (XIRR) for my CPFIS Portfolio?

Every employee in Singapore is bounded by the same set of CPF rules.

As an ex-economist/ data geek who doesn’t shy away from having skin in the game. I asked myself this question back in 2015 when I was still a starry-eyed young man 2 years into the workforce - how do I set out to optimize my returns in my CPF OA with these given set of constraints,

  • You cannot withdraw your CPF OA till you are 55 years old
  • You can only invest CPF OA beyond 20k
  • And of this delta, you can only invest 35% in non ETFs instruments OR 100% of it in ETFs
  • CPF OA returns of 2.5% per annum

The last point is something that I wish to highlight. If I choose to invest, I would have to overcome the 2.5% hurdle rate from CPF OA.

Subscribing to Vanguard’s philosophy, a pioneeer & leader in the space of index funds - (https://personal.vanguard.com/pdf/s315.pdf) at least for my CPFIS portion, they advocate that lump sum investing proves to be superior than spacing out your investments (dollar cost averaging).

Since then - whenever I have 5-6k in my CPF OA beyond the 20k, I promptly allocated it to the market. In some periods, I invested with smaller amounts when POEMS brokerage offered some promotions on commission fees.

How did this strategy fare thus far?

XIRR- a metric used in assessing rate of returns with a given set of cashflows - came up to be around 5.7%! Note: This figure here accounts for the dividends received over the years.

Hurray! It’s more than twice the 2.5% hurdle rate in CPF OA. And even the 4% rate from SA. One could voluntarily transfer OA to SA, but you will lose the flexibility of using the OA for serving mortage in future

My thoughts

This is still an ongoing experiment in my ‘lab’. Apparently it seems to be working well! Going forward, I will continue this strategy.

If you are keen in the technicalities of computing XIRR (applied the function developed by someone else here –>#https://github.com/SunilVeeravalli/xirr)…


#Reading my dataset
cpf_contrib <- read_csv(file = "./CPFOA/jr_cpfis_contrib.csv", col_names = TRUE)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Date = col_character(),
##   num_stocks_cpf_port = col_double(),
##   sti_px = col_double(),
##   cpf_oa_port_val = col_double(),
##   Dividends_per_share = col_double()
## )
#Formattting date
cpf_contrib$Date = as.Date(cpf_contrib$Date, format = "%m/%d/%y")
names(cpf_contrib)[which(names(cpf_contrib) == "Date")] = "dates" 

#including ss
cpf_contrib$net_stocks_purchase = lead(cpf_contrib$num_stocks_cpf_port - lag(cpf_contrib$num_stocks_cpf_port))

cpf_contrib$stock_amt_purchase = cpf_contrib$net_stocks_purchase * cpf_contrib$sti_px

#Dividends amount
cpf_contrib$dividends = cpf_contrib$num_stocks_cpf_port * cpf_contrib$Dividends_per_share 
cpf_contrib$dividends = ifelse(is.na(cpf_contrib$dividends), 0, cpf_contrib$dividends)

#Net cashflow
cpf_contrib = cpf_contrib %>%
                mutate(net_cash_flow = dividends - stock_amt_purchase)

#Setting final cashflow  
cpf_contrib$net_cash_flow[nrow(cpf_contrib)] = cpf_contrib$cpf_oa_port_val[nrow(cpf_contrib)]

#Computing the xirr
xirr(cpf_contrib[, c("dates","net_cash_flow")])
## [1] "XIRR is 5.775%"
print(xirr2(cpf_contrib$net_cash_flow, cpf_contrib$dates))
## [1] 0.05777714

Final dataset on dividends, purchases, cashflows, portfolio values


kable(cpf_contrib, caption = "Final data-frame of dividends, purchase, cashflows, portfolio values")
Table 1: Final data-frame of dividends, purchase, cashflows, portfolio values
dates num_stocks_cpf_port sti_px cpf_oa_port_val Dividends_per_share net_stocks_purchase stock_amt_purchase dividends net_cash_flow
2015-05-01 0 3.350 0 NA 1800 6030.0 0.0 -6030.0
2015-06-01 1800 3.240 5562 NA 1000 3240.0 0.0 -3240.0
2015-07-15 2800 2.970 8372 0.049 1000 2970.0 137.2 -2832.8
2015-08-12 3800 2.850 10564 NA 2000 5700.0 0.0 -5700.0
2015-09-13 5800 3.040 15486 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2015-10-10 5800 2.920 16530 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2015-11-11 5800 2.950 15892 NA 1000 2950.0 0.0 -2950.0
2015-12-12 6800 2.630 18768 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016-01-12 6800 2.690 16728 NA 700 1883.0 0.0 -1883.0
2016-02-03 7500 2.860 19275 0.107 400 1144.0 802.5 -341.5
2016-03-21 7900 2.870 21567 NA 400 1148.0 0.0 -1148.0
2016-04-12 8300 2.840 22742 NA 900 2556.0 0.0 -2556.0
2016-05-12 9200 2.880 24932 NA 600 1728.0 0.0 -1728.0
2016-06-10 9800 2.880 26950 NA 400 1152.0 0.0 -1152.0
2016-07-12 10200 2.860 28050 NA 400 1144.0 0.0 -1144.0
2016-08-12 10600 2.910 29362 0.084 1000 2910.0 890.4 -2019.6
2016-09-10 11600 2.860 32712 NA 700 2002.0 0.0 -2002.0
2016-10-12 12300 2.950 34071 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016-11-12 12300 2.940 35178 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016-12-09 12300 3.110 35055 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017-01-12 12300 3.100 37023 NA 1600 4960.0 0.0 -4960.0
2017-02-25 13900 3.190 41700 0.053 600 1914.0 736.7 -1177.3
2017-03-25 14500 3.200 45530 NA 800 2560.0 0.0 -2560.0
2017-04-24 15300 3.260 48195 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017-05-24 15300 3.270 49113 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017-06-22 15300 3.320 49266 NA 800 2656.0 0.0 -2656.0
2017-07-21 16100 3.320 52647 0.048 0 0.0 772.8 772.8
2017-08-24 16100 3.250 53452 NA 400 1300.0 0.0 -1300.0
2017-09-24 16500 3.420 53625 NA 1100 3762.0 0.0 -3762.0
2017-10-25 17600 3.480 60192 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017-11-24 17600 3.450 61072 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017-12-23 17600 3.580 60544 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-01-24 17600 3.520 64416 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-02-22 17600 3.430 61952 0.053 0 0.0 932.8 932.8
2018-03-23 17600 3.637 60368 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-04-24 17600 3.500 63184 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-05-17 17600 3.321 63008 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-06-24 17600 3.388 58960 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-07-12 17600 3.251 58432 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-08-10 17600 3.299 58080 0.060 1700 5608.3 1056.0 -4552.3
2018-09-12 19300 3.061 60795 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-10-12 19300 3.156 60216 NA 1300 4102.8 0.0 -4102.8
2018-11-10 20600 3.100 64272 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018-12-12 20600 3.247 63860 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019-01-11 20600 3.218 67362 NA 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019-02-19 20600 3.191 66332 0.056 2000 6382.0 1153.6 -5228.4
2019-03-12 22600 3.210 72388 NA NA NA 0.0 72388.0


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